Manual therapy welcomes different techniques that, applied to musculoskeletal alterations, aim to return the lost functionality.
We have the best specialists in human body movement, rehabilitation, pain reduction and recovery of functionality.
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Fisioterapia - FisioClinics Palma

At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca our main objective is to provide true and effective results to our patients through physiotherapy, therefore we have a team of professional physiotherapists committed to solving each of the conditions of the patients who come to us, so we always address not only the symptomatology that this refers, but we care about finding the cause of the health problem and reverse it to return to each person their independence and quality of life. In Palma de Mallorca we offer you a therapeutic option for the treatment of pathologies such as:
- Algia (neck pain, back pain, low back pain ...)
- Tendinopathies (rotator cuff tendonitis, Achilles tendon, De Quervain's tenosynovitis...)
- Vertebral pathologies (herniated discs, spondyloarthosis, disc protrusions ...)
- Muscle injuries (muscle contractures, spasms, tears ...)
- Post-operative (arthroscopy, knee, hip, shoulder surgeries ...)
In our quest to offer you only the best, we have the following physiotherapeutic techniques for you:
- Orthopedic and Visceral Manual Therapy.
- RPG (Global Postural Re-education method).
- Dry Needling.
- Osteopathy.
- Therapeutic massage.
- EPI (Intratissue percutaneous electrolysis).
- Shock waves
- Manual lymphatic drainage
Physiotherapy addresses various fields and our team of physiotherapists at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca has these specialties such as:
- Sports physiotherapy
- Child or pediatric physical therapy
- Neurological physiotherapy
- Respiratory physiotherapy
- Pelvic floor physiotherapy
- Geriatric physiotherapy
Exclusively manual treatments - 60 minute sessions
When we rehabilitate we offer the best service to help the patient reestablish the functions of their locomotor system.
Men, like women, suffer from pelvic floor dysfunctions, which can be treated by professional physiotherapists specializing in this area.
Fast, safe, largely side-effect-free and inexpensive examination method that allows different parts of the body to be effectively evaluated.
Set of techniques that allow to reach the injured tissue and treat it without altering the adjacent tissues, thus allowing a faster recovery.
Treating the body globally is more effective and we achieve better results, for that we have stretches applied globally.
A minimally invasive therapeutic technique is applied in an ultrasound-guided manner to ensure that regeneration processes are promoted specifically in damaged tissue.
Electrical stimuli that can restore the function of the nervous system leading to pain analgesia and improvement of neuromuscular function.
It allows you to quickly obtain an accurate assessment of the current state of your muscles, in a painless and non-invasive way with the use of skin electrodes.
Massage is a very useful tool for physiotherapists, since it can be applied to a wide variety of pathologies throughout the body.
Dry needling basically involves inserting a needle exactly where a sore spot called the trigger point is located.
Tensions do not only occur in the superficial musculature. The connective tissues that cover the internal organs are also stressed and can cause pain.

Programas de FisioClinics Palma
To provide you with the best service, we have designed special Packs for you where we offer you different types of combined treatments, so that you obtain a more pleasant and, above all, effective rehabilitation process so that you regain your well-being and quality of life in the shortest possible time.
Clases grupales de FisioClinics Palma
To provide you with a more complete, optimal, and effective rehabilitation process, at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we have designed group physical conditioning classes, with varied schedules and taught by instructors with great experience in the disciplines that offer the greatest benefits to our users, which they are usually the most demanded in the market.
Patologías tratadas en Fisioterapia
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Fisioterapia podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
Tan importante es tratar la musculatura como los factores causales que provocan el aumento de la tensión muscular
Tratar las causas que lo provocan y normalizar la actividad abdominal y pélvica es imprescindible para la recuperación
Rigidez en las vértebras dorsales y contractura muscular provocada por factores posturales y estrés
El origen no es solo postural o por sobre esfuerzos, es fundamental tratar otros factores como el estrés
Inflamación del cartílago que une el esternón y la costilla cuya causa está en la región dorsal
El problema está en la mano pero el origen del problema frecuentemente se encuentra en la zona cervical
Patologías tratadas en Fisioterapia
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Fisioterapia podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
El centro FisioClinics Palma
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we have a whole team of professionals trained in the treatment and rehabilitation of pathologies that affect the locomotor system and, consequently, human body movement, in turn resulting in a decrease in quality of life. That is why we offer you the best treatment techniques and methods adapted to the rehabilitation protocols that we design in response to the needs of each of our patients.
FisioClinics Palma Mallorca offers you the most comfortable facilities so that you can enjoy a pleasant moment while receiving from our expert physiotherapists in various specialties, offering you a range of possibilities in terms of rehabilitation and adequately covering any injury or pathology.
In addition, we make sure at all times to provide you with comprehensive care, where not only the symptoms are addressed, but we previously carry out a complete physical assessment of each patient, to obtain information that will later be analyzed to know where the root of the problem lies. and start from the first moment using everything necessary to reverse it and achieve the total rehabilitation of the patient.
Our physiotherapists cover various specialties and techniques such as Sports, Neurological, child or pediatric Physiotherapy, Pelvic floor Physiotherapy, osteopathy, manual therapy among others ...
Contact us for more information!
Patologías tratadas en Fisioterapia
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Fisioterapia podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
Mikel Junquera LandetaPhysiotherapistMusculoskeletal PTNº colegiado:1492
Marcel Ruiz SánchezPhysiotherapistSports rehabilitation and readaptationNº colegiado:422
María ÁlvarezPhysiotherapistCardiac and respiratory physiotherapy. Physiotherapy urogynecology and obstetrics. Pelvic floorNº colegiado:1720
Cristina LafargaPhysiotherapistTraumatological and Sports Physiotherapy. Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy. Music Physiotherapy.Nº colegiado:1352
Cesar BuendiaFisioterapeutaTeràpia Manual Neuro-ortopèdic. Fisioteràpia esportiva. Neuradinàmia. Teràpia Manual.Nº colegiado:6923
Mari Pau SbertPhysiotherapistSports physiotherapy. Neuromodulation. Functional strength training.Nº colegiado:1375
Javier VegaFisioterapeutaKinetic Control. Structural, visceral and cranio-sacral osteopathy.Nº colegiado:737
Alejandro Heredia AvilaPhysiotherapistSports physiotherapy. Manual therapy. Neuro-muscular readaptationNº colegiado:1838
Dicen de nosotros...
Margalida G.
5 estrellas"Mi experiencia en este centro ha sido muy buena y lo recomiendo al 100%. Llegué hace unos meses esperando conseguir ayuda con un dolor de espalda y cervicales que llevaba años arrastrando sin saber cómo mejorar. Gracias a mis sesiones con César, he podido empezar a entender por primera vez el por qué real de mi dolor, y también los pasos a tomar para mejorar. En poco tiempo he notado ya mucha mejoría, por lo que estoy muy contenta. El centro en sí da muy buena impresión y he recibido muy buen trato."
Inma Villazón
5 estrellas"Yo voy a FisioClinic con María Alvarez y es increíble. Además de una gran profesional es una gran persona. Con que hables con ella 1 minuto ya se ve que sabe de sobra de lo que habla y, además, te acompaña en todos tus miedos e inquietudes. Para mi, uno de lo mejores descubrimientos de Palma de Mallorca."
Paula Hernández Marqués
5 estrellas"El centro está muy bien equipado, con máquinas y muchas salas distintas. Grandes profesionales, especialmente Cristina!! Se preocupa mucho por sus pacientes y te guía y acompaña en tu proceso de la mejor forma posible!!"
Preguntas Frecuentes de fisioterapia
How long does a physiotherapy session last?
In FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, the general treatment session varies between 45 - 60 minutes. During this time, you will receive personalized attention from one of our physiotherapists, who will act depending on the case, using passive and active techniques to restore the altered functions and improve your health.
What pathologies can be treated with physiotherapy?
Those pathologies that are altering the correct development of movement and therefore deteriorating the quality of life, such as muscle pathologies (tears, fiber breaks, muscle contractures, myofascial pain syndrome), tendon pathologies (tendinitis, tendinosis, tenosynovitis), injuries to bone tissue (fractures, fissures, bone edema), pathologies of the circulatory and lymphatic system (lymphedema, lipedema, varicose veins, fluid retention). To achieve the best results in the treatment of these pathologies, FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca has professional physiotherapists who are experts in the improvement and maintenance of human body movement.
What techniques are part of physical therapy?
There are many techniques that are part of physiotherapy, each with a special function and that are applied according to the needs and characteristics of the patient. Among them, we can mention: muscular stretching, proprioceptive exercises, massage therapy, myofascial release and relaxation, Cyriax, trigger point inhibition, etc.
Is manual therapy performed in Physiotherapy?
The physiotherapists at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca are certified in the management of different technological tools, but their most remarkable tool is their hands, so manual therapy is the indispensable therapeutic technique in their treatments.
Is massage performed in Physiotherapy?
Indeed, massage is one of the techniques that are part of physiotherapy treatments, however, it is a complementary technique in the therapeutic approach to injuries and pathologies that we treat at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca.
Does the physical therapist wear gloves to work?
This depends on the therapeutic technique that is being applied. Since there are techniques that require the use of gloves, however, in most of the interventions carried out by our physiotherapists at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, the use of gloves is not done, since important information about the state of health could be lost. of the patient, which can be detected through the trained touch of our professionals.
Do I have to take off my clothes at the physical therapist?
It is more comfortable and better, but not required
Is Physiotherapy painful?
Although there are techniques within physical therapy that may be uncomfortable or uncomfortable, they do not cause pain. However, since the pain threshold varies in each person, our physical therapists are aware of each response during treatment, so do not hesitate to communicate any discomfort you perceive during the therapy session.
Does physical therapy have contraindications?
Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine that does not present any contraindication because it is managed and dosed by qualified professionals in the area, who will evaluate you and depending on your specific characteristics will design a treatment plan indicated for you, discarding in this plan the use and management of techniques contraindicated for your particular case.
How much does a Physiotherapy session cost?
The cost of each session will vary depending on the specialty and the type of treatment involved. Being the first visit of a general physiotherapy consultation at FisioClinics Palma of €50, which includes the assessment, diagnosis and treatment plan, which will start in the first consultation. The following sessions will be at a price of €45. While the cost of special services such as lymphatic drainage or Lymphatics and urogynecological or pelvic floor physiotherapy is €60 in the first consultation and the following sessions are priced at €55, as well as physiotherapy services at home in Palma de Majorca or Home. However, these are reference prices, since in our clinic we have plans and bonuses that will reduce the cost of each service.
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FisioClinics Palma
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Nuestros valores
Search for causes
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, by knowing the origin of the condition, a solution can be generated more quickly. Through the previous investigation of the context of your problem with the anamnesis and the evaluative tests, the search for the causes will be carried out. The idea that a treatment is effective and has positive results and is maintained over time requires obtaining the origin of the injury
Support in the natural
To achieve the balance that your body needs, we support the treatments in natural methods, which help your body heal itself. Multiple therapies are applied, including natural products, massages, manual techniques, osteopathy, exercise, and nutritional counseling. All realized with the same end goal: the desired balance between body, mind, and spirit.
Dedication in every session
Effective treatment consists mainly of patience and good communication between the professional and the patient. That is why at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca you will find the individualized and personalized treatment you want, facilitating a more accelerated and successful recovery, restoring its functions and independence, we focus on teaching and active participation of our patient during the time in which is in treatment.
Professional and personal involvement
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca you will find the commitment between a group of professionals from different disciplines, who will be key to providing you with an effective diagnosis and treatment of any pathology you are currently facing. Our professionals will provide you with a pleasant and polite treatment that motivates you at all times during the rehabilitation process. We always keep ourselves in a constant scientific updates to meet the requirements and needs that you may present.
Short and direct treatments
We faithfully believe in fast but efficient recovery, and we do our best to integrate patients into their activities of daily living as quickly as possible. At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we want to solve the problems for which you have come to our clinic in a short time.
Manual therapies as a base
Manual Therapies are the basis of the work of our FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca specialists, since they provide a variety of benefits for those who suffer from a specific injury in which their main character will be the presence of pain. We work with you to alleviate the consequences of injury, stress or illness, as well as, we have a variety of treatments that can help solve your discomfort such as: muscle stretching, functional exercises, dry needling, lymphatic drainage, neurodynamics, INDIBA, among others...