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MDurance Electromyography - Physiotherapy - FisioClinics Palma - FisioClinics Palma

Manual clinical trials may sometimes not be as accurate in terms of their results, which can lead to a poorly targeted treatment or unsuccessful follow-up evaluations, thereby impairing rehabilitation outcomes. An effective treatment is a consequence of an effective assessment, which is why at FisioClinics Palma we have innovative assessment equipment such as mDurance Electromyography, to provide our patients with successful treatment of the pathology or injury that is impairing their quality of life.

But what is mDurance Electromyography and when is it used?

During movement, electrical and mechanical processes occur within the muscles, allowing them to contract. MDurance Electromyography is a diagnostic method that allows the measurement of these electrical processes that occur within the muscle in an injured area. Unlike conventional electromyographic studies, mDurance electromyography is painless, as it does not require the insertion of a needle to assess muscle electrical activity. To achieve this, electrodes are used that are painlessly glued to the skin, these record the total electrical potential and the characteristics of the muscle fibers under the skin.

MDurance electromyography is used at FisioClinics Palma to diagnose neuromuscular or muscular diseases. With this study, our physiotherapists can determine muscle diseases (myopathies), establish if there is muscle weakness or fatigue in certain muscle groups, as well as to detect abnormal muscle tension (myotonia) and symmetry of the muscles during the execution of the movement. This clinical information serves as the basis for developing an effective physiotherapeutic treatment and monitoring it for the best results.

How do we apply mDurance Electromyography at FisioClinics Palma?

In the clinical practice of our professional physiotherapists at FisioClinics Palma, mDurance Electromyography is an indispensable method in the initial diagnosis made in the first session and in monitoring the progression of all myofascial pain conditions. Diagnosis using this technological method provides information on the capacity for muscle relaxation and contraction, as well as the functional limitations of the affected structures during the application of any of our interventions, which allows us to ensure the quality of each therapeutic intervention carried out.

The procedure of the examination is as we commented previously totally painless. It begins when the physiotherapist after a previous assessment determines the muscle region to assess, once the area is established, the physiotherapist proceeds to adhere to special electrodes on the skin that covers the muscles to assess. During the examination, you may be instructed to perform certain movements, the neuromuscular activity detected by the electrodes is derived to a device that makes the characteristics of the muscle group evaluated on a monitor.

One of our experienced physiotherapists can conclude the muscle function disorders present from the curves graphically displayed by the mDurance device and with this can design special treatments and appropriate therapeutic measures, specific to your case.

Optimal recovery is the consequence of an accurate diagnosis. Make your appointment now! And get at FisioClinics Palma a detailed assessment of your muscular system with mDurance electromyography.

How to make an appointment at FisioClinics Palma?

Para reservar una cita puedes llamar al número 617311285670411744 , enviarnos un WhatsApp al número 617311285 o enviarnos un mensaje a través del formulario de contacto

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