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gimnasia hipopresiva Palma
gimnasia hipopresiva Palma

Hypopressive Gymnastics GAH - Physiotherapy for women - FisioClinics Palma

Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics GAH is one of the most innovative, and above all effective methods for the work of the pelvic floor muscles, to improve muscle strength and tone in that area. At FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, we care about having at your disposal professional and trained personnel in Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics for work and rehabilitation.

What is Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics?

Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics is a technique adopted by physiotherapy that consists of the creation of an intra-abdominal pressure that in turn generates a widening of the rib cage with activation of the diaphragmatic and abdominal muscles. For this, hypopressive exercises are performed in apnea, which has been shown to provide numerous benefits in the treatment of pelvic floor pathologies such as:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • Uterine prolapses
  • Postpartum dysfunctions
  • Among other.

What are the benefits of GAH Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics?

Countless benefits are obtained with the practice of Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics. This is why at FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, we invite you to know some of them:

  • Strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
  • Reduction of the measurements of the abdominal region.
  • Improves respiratory capacity.
  • Contributes to the treatment of urinary incontinence.
  • Prevents vaginal prolapses.
  • Improves sexual function
  • It allows to have a better body balance.

How do we do the Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics GAH at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca?

To practice Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics GAH, it is necessary to have an instructor (physiotherapist) who is trained in this technique. We have attentive and specialized professionals in the area, who will provide you with safety and efficacy in treatments related to the pelvic floor with Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics. In the first place, we carry out an exhaustive physical assessment where we can discern what will be the objectives to be set during the treatment protocol and the most appropriate guidelines to carry out. Once this information is obtained, we proceed to design a personalized treatment protocol aimed at satisfying the needs of each individual and providing excellent, effective, and quick results. The main job of our physiotherapists is to strengthen the abdominal muscles, so the hypopressive exercise method reflects very positive and beneficial results for patients with these dysfunctions, creating postural and respiratory control. Its routine execution generates an increase in the muscle tone of the pelvic and abdominal floor, reducing the risk of suffering from urinary incontinence and visceral descent.

How to make an appointment at FisioClinics Palma?

Para reservar una cita puedes llamar al número 617311285670411744 , enviarnos un WhatsApp al número 617311285 o enviarnos un mensaje a través del formulario de contacto

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