Physiotherapy treatments are most of the time performed with the hands. All techniques involving the hands are part of manual therapy: mobilizing joints, treating the fascia and soft tissues... All with the palms of the hands.
What is Manual Therapy, and what does it consist of?
Manual therapy is a set of techniques that are applied to the skin of a patient with the therapist's own hands. In manual therapy, different procedures are applied that go directly to the joints or body tissues to achieve an increase in joint ranges, elimination of fibrosis, increase in muscle strength, mobilization of fluids, ... At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, we use this treatment modality specifically to correct muscular dysfunctions or to treat dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, to reduce pain, among others.
What benefits are obtained with Manual Therapy?
Numerous benefits are obtained with Manual Therapy, we name them some more important:
- Generate support to the joints.
- Muscle relaxation.
- Improve muscle tone.
- Improve functionality.
- Decreases joint inflammation.
- Decrease pain.
- Improve muscle restrictions.
- Among others.
- How do we apply Manual Therapy at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca?
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, we care about your well-being, about improving the functions you have lost, and that you get better performance in your sports activities. Before indicating a treatment, we carry out a preliminary evaluation to choose the appropriate treatment that best suits you. Some of the techniques that are included within manual therapy are manipulations, arthrokinetics, osteokinetics, soft tissue mobilization, fascia, among others. The physiotherapist uses manual therapy to reduce pain, mobilize the joints and generate greater stability, increase flexibility, etc.
Schedule your appointment now at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca.