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dietas de adelgazamiento Palma
dietas de adelgazamiento Palma

Weight Loss Diets - FisioClinics Palma

Weight loss is not only an aesthetic objective, after this, it also seeks to improve people's well-being and quality of life. That is why at FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, our expert health team gives you healthy eating advice that will allow you not only to feel better and more in harmony with your body, but it will be a positive change that will start from within and will be appreciated from outside.

For this, we have expert professionals in Slimming Diets, who will give you the advice to control the percentage of calories and portions.

What are weight-loss diets and what do they consist of?

At FisioClinics Palma Mallorca we design eating plans adapted to your characteristics and needs that will help to balance your body and metabolism to allow you to lose weight in an effective but above all healthy way, creating new eating habits that allow you to maintain these positive results during the weather. And not that it is something only of the moment. 

What does the treatment consist of?

Each case that comes to FisioClinics Palma Mallorca is thoroughly studied, to ensure that we provide our patients with the best meal plans adapted to the individual needs and characteristics of each person. Also, we do not limit ourselves to indicating a calorie loss diet, but we also care about monitoring where we can guide and accompany you in the process.

How to make an appointment at FisioClinics Palma?

Para reservar una cita puedes llamar al número 617311285670411744 , enviarnos un WhatsApp al número 617311285 o enviarnos un mensaje a través del formulario de contacto

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Tarjeta regalo nutrition FisioClinics
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2 minutes from bus stop (lines: 6 and 8)

3 minutes from Via Cintura

Outdoor and underground Free parking (inside Comercial Center)

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