drenaje post mastectomía Palma
drenaje post mastectomía Palma

Post-Mastectomy Drainage - Lymphatic massages - FisioClinics Palma



When an intervention is performed to remove the breast, either only a section or a complete one (mastectomy), multiple alterations make it difficult for the patient to recover. The main consequence is a limited range of motion, fluid congestion in the arm (especially when lymph nodes are removed during mastectomy), and fibrosis.

What is the Post-Mastectomy Lymphatic Drainage?

Post-mastectomy lymphatic drainage is performed just after surgery to remove all or part of the breast. This massage consists of making circular movements on the skin adjacent to the surgery, to move the liquid that is retained in the area and gradually reduce the swelling.

What are the benefits of Post-Mastectomy Lymphatic Drainage?

The mastectomy has one purpose: reduce the size of the breast or remove the breast and a large part of the lymph nodes that are in the armpit area to prevent malignant processes from spreading to other parts of the body. The simple fact of removing tissue produces inflammation, and if we add to this the removal of lymph nodes (structures that help to move lymph) fluid accumulates in the area of the breast and arm.

This causes multiple consequences, such as loss of sensitivity, pain, a limitation for some activities, among others. At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, we have trained personnel to apply the appropriate treatment after these procedures. Some of the benefits that these therapies provide to Post-mastectomy patients are:

  • Decrease in pain
  • Decreased interstitial fluid
  • Improves sensitivity in the area to be treated
  • Benefits lymphangiogenesis
  • Improves mobilization of the upper limb
  • Helps tonicity of the arm muscles
  • Improves the appearance of the skin
  • Among other benefits.


How to make an appointment at FisioClinics Palma?

Para reservar una cita puedes llamar al número 617311285670411744 , enviarnos un WhatsApp al número 617311285 o enviarnos un mensaje a través del formulario de contacto

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