Visceral dysfunctions have a great influence on the presence of musculoskeletal pathologies due to the physiological role they play in our health. Therefore, your attention is necessary to not only treat but also prevent possible disorders of the locomotor system, which is why FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca treats these dysfunctions through osteopathy.
What is Visceral Osteopathy?
Viscera dysfunctions occur as a consequence of alterations in their mobility, dependent or independent of respiration. For which visceral osteopathy focuses on recovering the physiological mobility of these organs through specialized manual techniques to address these problems.
To use these techniques, it is necessary to first know the origin of the problem that generates the dysfunction, and then to discern what will be the means and treatment techniques to be used to achieve the recovery of the functional state of balance in the area and therefore the body health of the patient. patient. All this through the physiological restoration of the compromised structures.
What pathologies or injuries do we intervene with Visceral Osteopathy?
Visceral Osteopathy is highly effective in the treatment of various conditions; among which we can highlight:
- Genitourinary System Dysfunction.
- Gynecological diseases.
- Respiratory dysfunctions.
- Colitis.
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Intestinal adhesions.
- Liver and kidney disorders.
- Ptosis renal.
- Referred pains: lumbar pain, migraines, abdominal pain, among others.
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we know the importance of the globality of the treatments since we know that our body works as a whole. That is why our professionals in visceral osteopathy take into account even the smallest detail since in this way they manage to ensure that they take care of all aspects and obtain truly effective and lasting results over time. In addition to preventing the appearance of possible complications or other pathologies in the future.