Varicose veins are a very common condition, and we will help you avoid or improve them.
There are multiple treatments to treat the different pathologies that are related to lymphatic and circulatory disorders.
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Drenaje Linfático Manual - FisioClinics Palma

To apply any of the procedures related to circulatory disorders, it is necessary to resort to professional specialists in the area. Lymphatic treatments seek to improve the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory system.
The lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating excess fluid that is retained in the tissues and thus returning them to the blood circulation. When the body retains fluid or toxins, some complications can occur, such as:
- Swelling.
- Lymphedema
- Appearance of varicose veins or capillaries.
- Deep venous thrombosis.
- Among others.
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, we offer different techniques to address pathologies related to the circulatory and lymphatic system. Some of these are:
- Lymphatic drainage.
- Post-operative drainage.
- Post-mastectomy drains.
- Drainage in post-operative surgery in the aesthetic area.
- Circulatory massage.
- Acne Treatments
- Cellulitis treatments
- Among others.
Some of the effects of the application of Lymphatic Drainage are:
- Allows muscle relaxation
- Improves the general well-being of the person to whom the technique is applied
- Promotes venous return
- Regulates breathing
After liposuction, it is necessary to apply the correct techniques to reduce the accumulation of fluid resulting from the surgery.
The use of gravity for therapeutic purposes can result in volume reduction and effective drainage of unhealthy fluids.
It is a treatment focused on treating functional limitations that occur in the chest and upper limbs area after a mastectomy.
We offer manual and technological treatments that optimize fat metabolism, leading to a remarkable internal improvement that is also visible externally.
They are drains that contribute to the detoxification of the body and facilitate the loss of body weight.
It improves the circulatory processes of the body in general. It is a gentle technique and should be done slowly.
Programas de FisioClinics Palma
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we always care about your well-being, because of that we create different Packs in which you will get different treatments to achieve the goals you want. We assure you of excellent service and quality care.
We also have body detox packs, such as detox, it is among the beauty packs. Also, the benefits of the INDIBA® service are well recognized, so with the INDIBA Pack we will obtain wonderful results for your health and well-being.
Clases grupales de FisioClinics Palma
Patologías tratadas en Drenaje Linfático Manual
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Drenaje Linfático Manual podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
Patologías tratadas en Drenaje Linfático Manual
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Drenaje Linfático Manual podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
El centro FisioClinics Palma
El Centro de FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca se encuentra formado por varios fisioterapeutas con una amplia y completa formación en el Drenaje linfático, así como una extensa experiencia profesional.
El drenaje linfático manual aplicado en nuestro Centro FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca es una técnica realizada por fisioterapeutas especializados en el área, teniendo como objetivo reducir el volumen de fluido retenido y la presión asociada, ya que puede reducir el riesgo de circulación impedida asociada a condiciones como: Varices, arañas vasculares, trombosis venosa profunda, flebitis y tromboflebitis, edemas post quirúrgicos, edemas postmastectomia, piernas hinchadas y retención de líquidos. Esto aumenta la capacidad de su sistema circulatorio para mover rápidamente los líquidos retenidos y cualquier acumulación de desechos tóxicos, generando diversos efectos para el bienestar corporal como: genera relajación muscular, favorece el retorno venoso, regula el proceso respiratorio, entre otros.
Si estás interesado en el drenaje linfático, contáctanos. Nuestros especialistas en drenaje linfático manual lo guiarán para su cuidado y seguimiento en función de cómo responda al masaje y su experiencia.
Patologías tratadas en Drenaje Linfático Manual
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Drenaje Linfático Manual podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
Dicen de nosotros...
Margalida G.
5 estrellas"Mi experiencia en este centro ha sido muy buena y lo recomiendo al 100%. Llegué hace unos meses esperando conseguir ayuda con un dolor de espalda y cervicales que llevaba años arrastrando sin saber cómo mejorar. Gracias a mis sesiones con César, he podido empezar a entender por primera vez el por qué real de mi dolor, y también los pasos a tomar para mejorar. En poco tiempo he notado ya mucha mejoría, por lo que estoy muy contenta. El centro en sí da muy buena impresión y he recibido muy buen trato."
Inma Villazón
5 estrellas"Yo voy a FisioClinic con María Alvarez y es increíble. Además de una gran profesional es una gran persona. Con que hables con ella 1 minuto ya se ve que sabe de sobra de lo que habla y, además, te acompaña en todos tus miedos e inquietudes. Para mi, uno de lo mejores descubrimientos de Palma de Mallorca."
Paula Hernández Marqués
5 estrellas"El centro está muy bien equipado, con máquinas y muchas salas distintas. Grandes profesionales, especialmente Cristina!! Se preocupa mucho por sus pacientes y te guía y acompaña en tu proceso de la mejor forma posible!!"
Preguntas Frecuentes de lymphatic
What pathologies does Lymphatic Drainage treat, when indicated?
Those pathologies and injuries that alter the functioning of the lymphatic and circulatory system respond very well to the lymphatic drainage technique, which is why it is usually indicated in case of lymphedema, fluid retention, pregnancy, after surgery, edema, lipedema, chronic inflammations, after mastectomies among other cases... Contact us and ask us about your case.
Who performs lymphatic drainage?
The person who performs lymphatic drainage at FisioClinics Palma is a professional in Physiotherapy who has high knowledge in anatomy and functioning of the lymphatic system, who has been trained and certified in the application of the Vodder-type lymphatic drainage technique.
Does lymphatic drainage have contraindications?
Although lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic technique that offers many benefits, it is not a suitable technique for everyone, with cases contraindicated: active inflammatory, flu, and infectious processes, autoimmune diseases, and venous insufficiency, among other cases, If you have any contraindications to lymphatic drainage, one of our physiotherapists will inform you during the assessment and will propose other therapeutic approaches for your case.
How many lymphatic drainage sessions does it take to get results?
From the first session, it is possible to notice results, however, an optimal result may require more sessions that will vary according to the individual characteristics of each case.
What types of lymphatic drainage are there?
There are various techniques for lymphatic drainage, being the technique designed by Dr. Vodder the one used in FisioClinics Palma, with this technique, the function of the lymphatic system is restored and promoted. Also achieving an almost immediate relaxation effect.
How long does a lymphatic drainage session last?
Effective lymphatic drainage can be achieved in about 50 minutes, so a lymphatic drainage session lasts that long. However, depending on the case and the affected segments, this time can be increased.
What does it consist of, what does it do, and how is lymphatic drainage done?
Lymphatic drainage is a manual technique applied by physical therapists that makes the functioning of the lymphatic system is relieved and improved. To achieve this effect, the physiotherapist locates the stagnant section of the lymphatic system and through gentle, slow, and repetitive movements of his hands, he drains the accumulated fluid towards the natural drainage channels of the lymphatic system, achieving an effective elimination of it.
In what parts of the body can lymphatic drainage be done?
Since the lymphatic system, like the circulatory system, covers the entire body in its entirety, lymphatic drainage techniques can be applied in the areas that the body requires them.
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FisioClinics Palma
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Nuestros valores
Search for causes
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, by knowing the origin of the condition, a solution can be generated more quickly. Through the previous investigation of the context of your problem with the anamnesis and the evaluative tests, the search for the causes will be carried out. The idea that a treatment is effective and has positive results and is maintained over time requires obtaining the origin of the injury
Support in the natural
To achieve the balance that your body needs, we support the treatments in natural methods, which help your body heal itself. Multiple therapies are applied, including natural products, massages, manual techniques, osteopathy, exercise, and nutritional counseling. All realized with the same end goal: the desired balance between body, mind, and spirit.
Dedication in every session
Effective treatment consists mainly of patience and good communication between the professional and the patient. That is why at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca you will find the individualized and personalized treatment you want, facilitating a more accelerated and successful recovery, restoring its functions and independence, we focus on teaching and active participation of our patient during the time in which is in treatment.
Professional and personal involvement
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca you will find the commitment between a group of professionals from different disciplines, who will be key to providing you with an effective diagnosis and treatment of any pathology you are currently facing. Our professionals will provide you with a pleasant and polite treatment that motivates you at all times during the rehabilitation process. We always keep ourselves in a constant scientific updates to meet the requirements and needs that you may present.
Short and direct treatments
We faithfully believe in fast but efficient recovery, and we do our best to integrate patients into their activities of daily living as quickly as possible. At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we want to solve the problems for which you have come to our clinic in a short time.
Manual therapies as a base
Manual Therapies are the basis of the work of our FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca specialists, since they provide a variety of benefits for those who suffer from a specific injury in which their main character will be the presence of pain. We work with you to alleviate the consequences of injury, stress or illness, as well as, we have a variety of treatments that can help solve your discomfort such as: muscle stretching, functional exercises, dry needling, lymphatic drainage, neurodynamics, INDIBA, among others...