Urogynecological physiotherapy designs treatments for dysfunctions of the pelvic floor as a consequence of the weakness of this musculature.
Suelo Pélvico
Women have unique health problems, and pelvic floor physical therapy can help find a solution to these problems.
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Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico - FisioClinics Palma

The woman's body is capable of carrying out unique processes such as childbirth and pregnancy, which in many cases tend to carry a series of sequelae that must be treated properly. If they are not treated, they can become conditioning factors for their quality of life. Thinking about this, FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca has developed the FisioClinics Woman service, which offers services for the care of pathologies related to women, with a group of specialized physiotherapists with great work experience that the area of Physiotherapy for the pelvic floor, for you to obtain the best, fastest and most effective results.
FisioClinics Woman is based on advanced technology and the highest standards of service.
Our physiotherapists have all the necessary tools to provide you with an assessment and intervention to cover the needs of each patient who comes to our headquarters.
FisioClinics Woman in Palma de Mallorca offers its services for the care of a wide variety of conditions, among which we mention:
- Pathologies related to the pelvic floor.
- Urinary incontinence
- Uterine prolapse
- Discomfort or pain during the menstrual cycle.
- Vaginal pain
- Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders, etc.
Therefore, FisioClinics has differential diagnosis methods and personalized treatments designed by our physiotherapists, offering the following services:
- Urogynecology Services.
- Pelvic Floor Treatment.
- Postpartum recovery.
- Prepartum and Postpartum Physiotherapy.
- Hypopressive Gymnastics.
- Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and Loss of Urine.
- Automasaje perineal
- Kegel exercises
- Indiba
- Electrostimulation
Pelvic Floor Experts
The problems of women also have a solution
We accompany you before, during and after
Reducing the consequences on your body of pregnancy and childbirth
Incontinence problems greatly affect the quality of life of those who suffer from it. Here's how to help you treat incontinence.
After changes in the woman during the pregnancy and delivery process, it is ideal to go to a physiotherapist to return to her usual condition.
The space between the abdominal muscles caused by pregnancy is completely normal, but it must be treated to avoid future discomfort.
The work of the pelvic, abdominal and back muscles is of great importance for women for their health and well-being.
Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful stages in a woman's life… And physical therapy helps you make it even better!
The menstrual cycle in women is a physiological process although, on many occasions, it is usually an unwanted stage of the month for women.
Programas de FisioClinics Palma
Ante la necesidad de querer ofrecerte el servicio más integral posible, os invitamos a combinar los servicios de FisioClinics Woman con otros servicios que ofrecemos de Fisioterapia en Palma de Mallorca.
Hemos creado diferentes packs que buscan adaptarse a tus necesidades y completar tu experiencia ampliando los beneficios de los que podrás gozar. En caso de que te estés preparando para darle la bienvenida al mundo a tu bebé, te traemos el Pack Parto. Tienes también packs orientados a cuidarte y mejorar tu condición general, como el Pack Salud; o a mejorar el tono de tu vientre y suelo pélvico con el Pack Mujer y su grupo de hipopresivos. Además, si quieres iniciar un proceso de limpieza y embellecimiento te hacemos todo más sencillo con el Pack Detox y el Pack Belleza, en el que se combinarán los servicios de drenaje linfático y nutrición. Por último, son muy reconocidos los beneficios que obtiene con el servicio INDIBA® por lo que con el Pack INDIBA obtendremos maravillosos resultados para la salud de la mujer.
Clases grupales de FisioClinics Palma
Por otra parte, en FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, te ofrecemos otra variedad de clases. En este caso te hablamos de las clases grupales, las cuales persiguen un enfoque terapéutico dentro del ámbito deportivo. Es decir, si deseas comenzar un nuevo estilo de vida en donde contemplas la realización de ejercicio físico, esta es la opción ideal para ti. Ya que contamos con una sala grupal donde se imparte una amplia variedad de clases deportiva y entrenamiento físico.
Ofrecemos las disciplinas tendencia en el mercado como: pilates, yoga, stretching, hipopresivos, KT-Stretch y muchas más. Contáctanos y te orientaremos a la clase más adecuada para ti. Y para todas ellas, te ofrecemos un horario cómodo y a tu conveniencia, para que disfrutes de la experiencia.
Patologías tratadas en Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
La neuralgia del nervio pudendo es mucho más frecuente de lo que se diagnostica al ser bastante desconocida.
La episiotomía es una de las complicaciones y consecuencias más comunes tras del parto y debe ser tratada.
Cada vez son más los partos por Cesárea y debido al gran impacto en el curpo de la mujer requieren un adecuado tratamiento.
La diástasis de los abdominales es tan común como poco conocida y tratada en los sistemas públlicos de salud
El vaginismo genera dolor y otras incomodidades que merman la calidad de vida de la mujer.
Tratar las causas que lo provocan y normalizar la actividad abdominal y pélvica es imprescindible para la recuperación
Patologías tratadas en Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
El centro FisioClinics Palma
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, we provide specialized care, since we have physiotherapists in the area of urogynecology specialized in the care of women's pathologies, to provide support in pelvic floor problems, pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, providing specific tools fully adapted to the needs of each woman, to allow them to live a pleasant and personalized experience, which gives you peace of mind and a speedy recovery.
Pelvic floor physiotherapy is usually unknown in physiotherapy, so at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we want to give it visibility so that women are more aware that in this way they can be helped with their pelvic floor problems such as weakness of the floor pelvic, urinary incontinence and urine leakage, uterine and bladder descent, uterine prolapse, menstrual and vaginal pain, etc. The preventive treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions would be the most successful way to treat these injuries, so physiotherapeutic treatments in the approach to urinary incontinence are better and have greater results in the late-onset.
We do all these services that we offer in an environment of tranquility and security, with professionals who take care of and guide your recovery process.
We look forward to your visit very soon!
Patologías tratadas en Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico
Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Fisioterapia del Suelo Pélvico podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.
De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.
Mari Carmen MasjuanOsteopathStructural, visceral and cranio-sacral osteopathy. Pelvic floor Myofascial recovery
María ÁlvarezPhysiotherapistCardiac and respiratory physiotherapy. Physiotherapy urogynecology and obstetrics. Pelvic floorNº colegiado:1720
Cristina LafargaPhysiotherapistTraumatological and Sports Physiotherapy. Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy. Music Physiotherapy.Nº colegiado:1352
Dicen de nosotros...
Margalida G.
5 estrellas"Mi experiencia en este centro ha sido muy buena y lo recomiendo al 100%. Llegué hace unos meses esperando conseguir ayuda con un dolor de espalda y cervicales que llevaba años arrastrando sin saber cómo mejorar. Gracias a mis sesiones con César, he podido empezar a entender por primera vez el por qué real de mi dolor, y también los pasos a tomar para mejorar. En poco tiempo he notado ya mucha mejoría, por lo que estoy muy contenta. El centro en sí da muy buena impresión y he recibido muy buen trato."
Inma Villazón
5 estrellas"Yo voy a FisioClinic con María Alvarez y es increíble. Además de una gran profesional es una gran persona. Con que hables con ella 1 minuto ya se ve que sabe de sobra de lo que habla y, además, te acompaña en todos tus miedos e inquietudes. Para mi, uno de lo mejores descubrimientos de Palma de Mallorca."
Paula Hernández Marqués
5 estrellas"El centro está muy bien equipado, con máquinas y muchas salas distintas. Grandes profesionales, especialmente Cristina!! Se preocupa mucho por sus pacientes y te guía y acompaña en tu proceso de la mejor forma posible!!"
Preguntas Frecuentes de Suelo Pélvico
What is urogynecological or pelvic floor physiotherapy?
It is a special approach from physiotherapy in charge of providing preventive, therapeutic, and effective conditioning of the pelvic floor muscle group and the structures that compose it, through the use of technological devices and specific manual and training techniques. At FisioClinics Palma, we have this specialty within our services to provide our patients with an effective therapeutic option in case of urogynecological or pelvic floor muscle dysfunction.
What problems or pathologies are treated in urogynecological or pelvic floor physiotherapy?
As its name already indicates, this specialty of Physiotherapy focuses on treating conditions of urogynecological origin and of the pelvic floor that affects men or women, this means that it can address diseases and pathologies such as urinary and fecal incontinence, genital prolapse, chronic cystitis, chronic pelvic pain, vaginismus, dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), sexual dysfunctions (dyspareunia, erectile dysfunction), painful scars, postpartum injuries or urogynecological surgeries, chronic pelvic pain among others ...
How many sessions does it take to solve a pelvic floor problem?
It is impossible to determine the number of specific sessions for everyone since there are many different variables in each case, which determine the number of sessions necessary to achieve recovery in each case, such as age, pathology, evolution time, among others unique characteristics in each patient, which will be detected in the first session at FisioClinics Palma.
What techniques are used in Urogynecological Physiotherapy?
To offer you an optimal and specialized service, at FisioClinics Palma, we have the most innovative devices and the most recent techniques in Urogynecological Physiotherapy, such as hypopressive exercises or hypopressive abdominal gymnastics (GAH), perianal massages, tecar therapy, electroanalgesia, Kegel exercises, pelvic floor exercises, osteopathy among others ...
How long does a Urogynecological Physiotherapy session last?
One of our physiotherapists specialized in urogynecological physiotherapy and management of pelvic floor dysfunctions will give you his full attention in a 50-60-minute session
What is the price of a session of Urogynecological Physiotherapy or pelvic floor?
The diagnosis, the design of a therapeutic plan and the intervention of your pelvic floor problem has a cost of €60 for the first consultation, and €55 for the following sessions.
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FisioClinics Palma
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Nuestros valores
Search for causes
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, by knowing the origin of the condition, a solution can be generated more quickly. Through the previous investigation of the context of your problem with the anamnesis and the evaluative tests, the search for the causes will be carried out. The idea that a treatment is effective and has positive results and is maintained over time requires obtaining the origin of the injury
Support in the natural
To achieve the balance that your body needs, we support the treatments in natural methods, which help your body heal itself. Multiple therapies are applied, including natural products, massages, manual techniques, osteopathy, exercise, and nutritional counseling. All realized with the same end goal: the desired balance between body, mind, and spirit.
Dedication in every session
Effective treatment consists mainly of patience and good communication between the professional and the patient. That is why at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca you will find the individualized and personalized treatment you want, facilitating a more accelerated and successful recovery, restoring its functions and independence, we focus on teaching and active participation of our patient during the time in which is in treatment.
Professional and personal involvement
At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca you will find the commitment between a group of professionals from different disciplines, who will be key to providing you with an effective diagnosis and treatment of any pathology you are currently facing. Our professionals will provide you with a pleasant and polite treatment that motivates you at all times during the rehabilitation process. We always keep ourselves in a constant scientific updates to meet the requirements and needs that you may present.
Short and direct treatments
We faithfully believe in fast but efficient recovery, and we do our best to integrate patients into their activities of daily living as quickly as possible. At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we want to solve the problems for which you have come to our clinic in a short time.
Manual therapies as a base
Manual Therapies are the basis of the work of our FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca specialists, since they provide a variety of benefits for those who suffer from a specific injury in which their main character will be the presence of pain. We work with you to alleviate the consequences of injury, stress or illness, as well as, we have a variety of treatments that can help solve your discomfort such as: muscle stretching, functional exercises, dry needling, lymphatic drainage, neurodynamics, INDIBA, among others...