Women go through stages that deteriorate the health of the pelvic floor such as pregnancy and childbirth, with this in mind, FisioClinics Palma has designed a specific program for the treatment of unique dysfunctions in women, through specific training exercises and physiotherapy:
Woman Program
This program is made up of therapeutic interventions applied by expert physiotherapists who have professional training in urogynecological physiotherapy and pelvic floor training, this guarantees effective therapeutic interventions in conditions that compromise the pelvic floor of a woman. The problems that a woman's pelvic floor can suffer are varied, the most frequent being: incontinence or involuntary urine leaks, ailments during the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea), dysfunctions that affect sexual activity (vaginismus, dyspareunia), ailments during the pregnancy and postpartum among other problems...
The pelvic floor muscles respond very well to hypopressive exercises (hypopressive abdominal gymnastics), this training not only improves the muscle tone of the pelvic floor but also improves body posture and the effectiveness of respiratory function, therefore, this training together with the urogynecological physiotherapy interventions from the FisioClinics Palma Woman program.
If a pelvic floor dysfunction is disrupting the execution of your daily activities, this program is ideal for you.
- Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
- Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics Classes
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.