Tratamiento de Osteopatía de Pubis o Pubalgia - FisioClinics Palma

Osteopatía de Pubis o Pubalgia. Tratamiento de Fisioterapia - FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca

Osteopatía de Pubis o Pubalgia. Tratamiento de Fisioterapia - FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca

Osteopathy of the Pubis or Pubalgia is usually an ailment that is characteristic of runners and footballers, this also usually occurs in any sport that involves movements that converge on the pubis or form a primary part of it, causing pain and even loss of sport temporarily. In the following article you will find everything related to Pubalgia and how our professionals can treat it effectively at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca.

What is a Pubalgia?

Pubalgia is a painful syndrome that generally occurs when there is hypermobility of the pubic symphysis, causing an inflammation of the muscles that insert into the pubis, such as the abdominals and the hip adductors. The body's center of gravity is located in the pelvis, which makes it prone during physical activities to suffer from significant biomechanical forces in the area.

What are the symptoms of Osteopathy Pubis?

Various symptoms exist in Pubalgia that we will tell you below:

  • Difficulty mobilizing the hips and legs.       

  • Pain is the main symptom that occurs in the groin area or lower abdomen and can radiate to the thigh.       

  • Inability to stand on one leg.       

  • Pain appears after intense practice or training.       

  • Misalignment of the pelvic and / or spinal joints.       

  • Pain can be felt at rest and is continuous.       

  • You cannot perform movements such as crossing your legs.       

  • Sometimes the pain can also radiate into the inner thighs.       

  • May be associated with incontinence symptoms.       

What Causes Osteopathy Pubis?

Because the symphysis pubis is the body's center of gravity during movement, it is prone to developing Osteopathy of Pubis, which is a disease caused by an abdominal-inguinal-pelvic conflict that occurs more frequently in athletes. The causes of this disease are multifactorial, variable from one person to another, which we can highlight are:

  • Laxity of the ligaments.       

  • Presence of tendinopathy of the adductor muscles.       

  • Hypotonia of the abdominal muscles, especially the obliques.       

  • Overexertion in the groin area.       

  • High intensity sports practice.       

  • Bad footwear coupled with bad terrain to practice.       

  • Both direct and indirect injuries during exercise.       

  • Varus deformity of the knee or foot.       

  • Visceral dysfunctions of the lumbar pelvic organs (bladder, uterus or prostate)       

  • Dismetria in the lower limbs.       

How is the medical diagnosis of Pubalgia made?

Pubalgia could be diagnosed through special tests, the medical history, observing the type of pain that the patient presents, the movements that he can or cannot perform, also imaging tests such as X-rays help to complement the diagnosis and serve to rule out any other pain in the lumbar spine and the sacroiliac joint. To confirm the medical diagnosis of Pubalgia, tests such as: ultrasound, MRI or CT scans should be performed, with which other associated conditions can also be ruled out.

Secciones implicadas en su tratamiento

Los servicios, metodologías y herramientas que FisioClinics Palma de mallorca puede ofrecerte para el tratamiento de la Osteopatía de Pubis o Pubalgia son múltiples y vendrán determinados por la complejidad del caso, la sintomatología, la duración del mismo y el criterio particular del fisioterapeuta al cargo de tu caso en este problema en concreto.

Junto con este acordarás si se da el caso, qué tipo de tratamiento de fisioterapia y especialidades adyuvantes será el más oportuno de manera que aunque la Fisioterapia es la herramienta eje de nuestros tratamientos, otros profesionales pueden en algún momento participar y enriquecer el mismo.

  • Fisioterapia

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  • osteopatia

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    Indiba es la más potente, útil y revolucionaria tecnología para el tratamiento de los tejidos bien sea con fines estéticos o terapéuticos.


En esta sección, FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca quiere ofrecerte una selección de los mejores artículos y textos que sobre la Osteopatía de Pubis o Pubalgia hemos desarrollado para nuestro blog.

En ellos tratamos los temas y elementos más importantes y relevantes para la comprensión y tratamiento de esta problemática de manera que puedas disponer de una información clara, completa y útil que te permita comprender lo que te sucede y entender de una forma más profunda las características de nuestra propuesta de tratamiento.

El centro FisioClinics Palma

FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca es una clínica de Fisioterapia fantásticamente situada a fin de facilitar a nuestros pacientes el acceso y desplazamiento a la misma.

Además, en nuestro afán de hacer sentir bien a las personas que confían en nosotros y nuestros tratamientos, ofrecemos unas instalaciones agradables, modernas y pensadas para hacerte sentir cómodo desde el momento en que cruces las puertas de nuestra clínica.

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Los profesionales de FisioClinics Palma

FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca cuenta con un experimentado equipo profesional capacitado para el tratamiento y abordaje de la Osteopatía de Pubis o Pubalgia desde diferentes técnicas y orientaciones de tratamiento.

En este sentido, dependiendo de las características de tu problemática particular, te será inicialmente asignado un profesional que se adapte a este problema y que será a partir de ese momento el responsable único de tu tratamiento.

De cualquier manera, todos nuestros fisioterapeutas comparten y están formados en una misma visión de la enfermedad y de los tratamientos de fisioterapia como es el FIIT CONCEPT o Fisioterapia Integrativa que vertebra nuestro trabajo.

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    Paula Hernández Marqués

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    To achieve the balance that your body needs, we support the treatments in natural methods, which help your body heal itself. Multiple therapies are applied, including natural products, massages, manual techniques, osteopathy, exercise, and nutritional counseling. All realized with the same end goal: the desired balance between body, mind, and spirit.

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    Manual Therapies are the basis of the work of our FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca specialists, since they provide a variety of benefits for those who suffer from a specific injury in which their main character will be the presence of pain. We work with you to alleviate the consequences of injury, stress or illness, as well as, we have a variety of treatments that can help solve your discomfort such as: muscle stretching, functional exercises, dry needling, lymphatic drainage, neurodynamics, INDIBA, among others...