Did you know that the Ankle Sprain is a very common injury, not only in sports, but also within the daily activities of each person, these usually occur due to a sudden movement outward or inward of the foot, exceeding the strength and elasticity of the ankle ligaments, causing a sprain. From FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we will talk to you about everything related to this injury in the following article.
What is an ankle sprain?
Ankle Sprain is an injury that originates when the ankle is bent in an inappropriate and painful position, this mechanism being able to stretch or tear the ligaments, these are the ones that provide stability to this joint avoiding excessive movement of the bones. Their highest injury index is the external ankle ligaments but there are several types of Ankle Sprains which can be classified by the type of movement that generates the ligament strain, these are:
Inversion Sprain.
Eversion Sprain.
Mixed Sprain.
In the case of classifying it by the distension of the ligaments, it is called by types:
Type I: mild partial strain or tear of the ligament fibers
Type II: significant partial tear of the ligament but maintains continuity.
Type III: complete tear of the ligament.
What are the symptoms of a sprained ankle?
There are some characteristic symptoms in Ankle Sprain that vary according to the severity of the injury, and may be:
Pain when you stand on your injured foot.
Pain on palpation of the area.
Presence of edema in and around the local area.
Existence of bruises as there is accumulation of extravasated blood from the glasses that were broken at the time of the injury.
Limitation of range of motion.
Ankle instability.
Popping sensation at the time of injury.
What causes a sprained ankle?
The causes for which an ankle sprain or sprain can be caused are diverse, among which the following stand out:
A fall that causes you to bend your ankle.
Bad landing on one foot after jumping or turning.
Exercise or walk on an uneven surface.
A heavy footfall by another person on your foot.
Anterior ankle injuries.
Footwear not suitable both for sports practice and in daily life.
Not having previous training in any sports discipline.
How is the medical diagnosis of an Ankle Sprain made?
To confirm the diagnosis of an Ankle Sprain, certain evaluative tests are necessary where the stability of the ankle, muscle strength, presence of bruises or edema around the ankle are assessed. In addition, the anamnesis process is verified if there was an accident or trauma associated with the onset of symptoms. If necessary to confirm or rule out an injury to the ankle, imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging will be necessary.