It is a technique very similar to acupuncture but based on a different purpose. Dry needling was created to specifically treat the points that cause myofascial pain. It is innovative and rewarding for the physical therapist to perform this type of technique.
What is Dry Needling, and what are its benefits?
When an active trigger point is present, there is myofascial pain, which is a rather annoying and intolerant type of pain. Trigger points appear when certain structures within the muscle remain constantly contracted, decreasing blood flow. Dry needling tries to puncture with the needle exactly the point where this phenomenon occurs and releases the contraction of the muscle fibers.
Dry needling generates multiple benefits, some of which are:
- Generate a local shrink response.
- Generates relaxation and pain reduction. Helping to decrease dysfunction.
- Improves the biochemical and electrical functions of the motor plates.
PhysioClinics Palma de Mallorca physiotherapists are trained in anatomy and certified in this technique and thus be able to provide you with a quality and durable service.
How do we apply dry needling at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca?
The dry needling technique achieves relaxation of the muscle fiber. Later the pain or dysfunction will disappear. It is a technique that generates great improvement in the patient and returns the lost functionality.