ciclo menstrual Palma
ciclo menstrual Palma

Menstrual cycle - Physiotherapy for women - FisioClinics Palma

It is an all too common situation for women to feel uncomfortable when carrying out their activities of daily life during their menstrual cycle due to the symptoms and discomfort with which it is usually accompanied. Attending to the need to feel more comfortable, safe, and willing to follow their daily lives normally during this period, FisioClinics Palma Mallorca puts at your disposal the best physiotherapists specialized in the pelvic floor, who will work to help you achieve your well-being during the cycle menstrual.

What is the treatment to improve the Menstrual Cycle, and what are its benefits?

As we have mentioned previously, a significant percentage of women have discomfort during their menstrual cycle: headaches, muscle cramps, lower back pain... Physiotherapy has treatments that can help calm these symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle. The physiotherapy treatment will be oriented to work on reducing symptoms and discomfort, using a wide variety of techniques and exercises, among which the following stand out:

  • Exercises for pelvic floor work.
  • Myofascial relaxation.
  • Neuromuscular bandage application.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Thermotherapy.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Application of analgesic currents.
  • Acupuncture, among others ...

What conditions do we solve with the Menstrual Cycle treatment?

It is important to note that in terms of treatment, everything will depend on the symptoms reported by the patient. For this, a prior evaluation will be necessary to allow us to discern what are the objectives to be set during the treatment protocol.

We expand a little on the symptoms related to the menstrual cycle that can be treated with physical therapy in this list:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Pain in the lower back.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Sometimes urinary incontinence.
  • Headaches or headaches.

Depending on which or which are the symptoms that the patient manifests during the evaluation, the physiotherapist will decide the treatment protocol to follow.

How do we do the treatment to improve the menstrual cycle at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca?

At FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, we have all the necessary tools to carry out highly effective treatments and techniques from the hand of Professionals in the area of physiotherapy. You will obtain the best and warmest care, along with effective results and in the shortest possible time, which will allow you to enjoy a better quality of life and eliminate the mortifications that arise as a result of discomfort during the menstrual cycle.


How to make an appointment at FisioClinics Palma?

Para reservar una cita puedes llamar al número 617311285670411744 , enviarnos un WhatsApp al número 617311285 o enviarnos un mensaje a través del formulario de contacto

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