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masaje reductor Palma

Lipedema - Lymphatic massages - FisioClinics Palma



Lipedema turns out to be a little-known but very common condition among women, which affects not only the appearance of the skin, by causing irregularities such as dimples and the appearance of orange peel, but it can also lead to fluid retention in the legs that leads to the appearance of pain and fatigue in that area. At FisioClinics Palma, we have highly effective techniques to treat lipedema from physiotherapy, such as manual lymphatic drainage, circulatory massage, TECAR therapy, or radiofrequency among other techniques.

But… What is Lipedema, and what are its symptoms?

It is a chronic disorder in which adipose or fat tissue accumulates in certain segments of the body, especially in the area below the navel: hips, buttocks, and legs, and can sometimes also affect the arms. Although it is not an obesity-related condition, like obesity, it causes fat to be retained bilaterally and symmetrically. However, unlike obesity, adipose tissue accumulates in specific areas and not in a generalized way, without affecting the hands or feet.

Normally, fat cells are tightly bound together without generating larger spaces between them, however, when there is lipedema, these cells separate from each other due to the accumulation of fluid. Without treatment, this accumulation of fluid can lead to lymphedema, which in turn can worsen and result in the formation of fibrosis (thickening of the connective tissue) that alters the morphology of the skin, leading to the appearance of textured skin, which When palpating, you can feel lumps in the shape of balls under the skin. Also, other symptoms that patients with lipedema usually present are:

  • The appearance of bruises due to the fragility of the vascular capillaries.
  • Pain on palpation of the affected areas.
  • Edema and swelling of the hips and legs.
  • Feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs.
  • The appearance of varicose veins.
  • Being overweight or obese (lipedema is not caused by obesity).

These symptoms usually appear with the onset of puberty, during pregnancy, or with menopause, for which it is believed that their origin is associated with a hormonal alteration so that men who present hormonal alterations in their metabolism as low levels of testosterone and high levels of estrogen can also suffer it.

How do we treat lipedema at FisioClinics Palma?

Although it is a chronic disease, which does not properly have a single therapeutic procedure that fully cures it, it is possible to effectively control the progression and symptoms of lipedema, of course with multidisciplinary work. At FisioClinics Palma, we have qualified professionals in different areas to be able to attack lipedema on all possible sides. Given that it is a pathology that develops differently in each patient, in the first session, one of our physiotherapists will exhaustively evaluate the current condition of the pathology, to achieve a precise dosage of the therapeutic approach.

It will then continue to implement the necessary therapeutic strategies to reduce pain and inflation, facilitate venous drainage and return mechanisms, and achieve an effective reduction of the excess volume present. Some of these strategies are:

  • Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD).
  • Circulatory massage.
  • Therapeutic exercise dosage.
  • Tecarter therapy - diathermy.
  • Pilates.
  • Infrared.

Good nutrition is essential to achieve good health, especially in patients with lipedema, since the high consumption of pro-inflammatory foods contributes to the increase in volume and the exacerbation of the disease. For this reason, at FisioClinics Palma, we consider important the intervention of a nutritionist, to guide you and help you select the right foods that promote decongestion of the body and therefore the drainage of inflammation. 

If you suffer from Lipedema, do not hesitate to contact us, together with our advanced training professionals you will be able to obtain a therapeutic plan that adapts to your needs and that helps you achieve a healthier life full of well-being. Make your appointment now!  


How to make an appointment at FisioClinics Palma?

Para reservar una cita puedes llamar al número 617311285670411744 , enviarnos un WhatsApp al número 617311285 o enviarnos un mensaje a través del formulario de contacto

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