
Diseases, dysfunctions, and problems can be prevented or reduced with a healthy diet and good nutrition.

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dietistas y nutricionistas

Dietistas y Nutricionistas - FisioClinics Palma

Good nutrition is the key to good physical and mental health. A balanced diet and consumption of foods is an important part of good health for everyone. The type and amount of food you eat affect the way you feel and how your body works. That is why FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca has developed the FisioClinics Nutrition service, where we have highly trained and professional nutrition and dietetic specialists, who will provide assistance and advice according to the needs and objectives of each patient, through:

  • Nutritional treatments.
  • Weight loss treatments or diets.
  • Nutritional advice to eat properly.
  • Control of eating disorders.
  • Weight control.
  • Diets to lose weight.
  • Diets to lose weight or lose weight.
  • Obesity treatment.
  • Diet and nutrition for the athlete or sports person.

FisioClinics Nutrition in Palma de Mallorca offers you therapeutic alternatives guided by our specialist in nutrition and dietetics according to the needs and objectives of each patient, to treat multiple signs that alter your nutritional system, such as:

  • Eating disorder.
  • Dyslipidemia.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Inflammatory Diseases.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Histamine intolerance.
  • Diabetes.
  • Fatty liver.
  • Food intolerances.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Morbid obesity.

Improving your diet is a fundamental part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, for this, you must consume foods such as less salt, eat more vegetables and fruits and avoid the consumption of supersaturated fats. In the same way, our specialist in nutrition and dietetics will make an adequate feeding scheme when you carry out your previous evaluation and according to the pathology that you are studying. The nutrition and dietetic professional focuses on improving the metabolic disorders or syndromes that afflict you through balanced diet recommendations and plans in combination with physical exercise, which is a complementary part to achieve the desired results.

  • dietas de adelgazamiento Palma

    At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, we care about you and your health. That is why we also provide you with guidance on healthy diets that help you lose weight.

  • nutrición deportiva Palma

    Food is an aspect of great relevance in the recovery and performance of the athlete.

  • control de peso Palma

    Both being overweight and underweight can be symptoms of a health problem, for which a balanced diet is vital.

  • asesoramiento nutricional Palma

    We advise you and provide you with different tips for a healthy diet after an evaluation to find out your specific needs and requirements.

  • coaching nutricional Palma

    For you to reach your goal of being at the ideal weight, we offer you personalized nutritional training.

  • charlas y talleres nutricionales Palma

    At FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, we promote health through informative talks about eating habits and their influence on our well-being.

  • nutrición y visión integrativa Palma

    Food is a fundamental aspect of health, therefore, it should be taken as a pillar in the treatment or prevention of any disease.

  • nutrición clínica Palma

    Nutrition is an important part of recovering the health and well-being of patients.

Programas de FisioClinics Palma

To improve both inside and out, we want to invite you to combine the services of FisioClinics Nutrition with other services that we offer of FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca. Get a complete transformation of your diet and a physical restoration that is sustainable and lasting over time.

We have designed different packs that adapt to your needs and complement the benefits obtained in FisioClinics Nutrition; In this way, we offer you packs aimed at taking care of yourself and improving your general condition such as the Health Pack or improving the tone of your belly and pelvic floor with the Woman Pack and its group of hypopressives. If you want to start a cleaning and beautification process, we make it much easier for you with the Detox Pack and the Beauty Pack, in which you will combine lymphatic drainage and nutrition services. The benefits in reduction of measures obtained with the INDIBA® service are also well recognized, so with the INDIBA Pack we will obtain wonderful results for your health and well-being.

Clases grupales de FisioClinics Palma

Patologías tratadas en Dietistas y Nutricionistas

Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Dietistas y Nutricionistas podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.

De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.

  • sindrome de tietze

    Inflamación del cartílago que une el esternón y la costilla cuya causa está en la región dorsal

  • dolor de espalda o dorsalgia

    Rigidez en las vértebras dorsales y contractura muscular provocada por factores posturales y estrés

  • lumbago o lumbalgia

    El resultado de una mala alimentación, el estrés y cansancio, sedentarismo y falta de ejercicio

  • condromalacia rotuliana o artrosis de rótula

    Síndrome de hiperpresión rotuliana externa de la rodilla, un problema muy rebelde que necesita un enfoque muy especifico

  • rotura fibrilar gemelo

    Síndrome de la pedrada es un desgarro muscular muy doloroso que requiere un tratamiento muy específico

  • hernia discal lumbar

    El origen no es solo postural o por sobre esfuerzos, es fundamental tratar otros factores como el estrés

Patologías tratadas en Dietistas y Nutricionistas

Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Dietistas y Nutricionistas podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.

De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.

El centro FisioClinics Palma

From FisioClinics Nutrition our professionals offer approaches focused on the field of nutrition and dietetics, but always taking care of health and improving quality of life. The services we offer are developed by health professionals to provide you with the personalized and individualized attention you need, whether you are a high-performance athlete or a sedentary person.

Nutrition is key to correcting problems and dysfunctions since food provides us with the necessary energy to regenerate tissues after an injury, increase endorphins that relieve our discomforts, and have a good presence. At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we intend to highlight the importance of nutrition and dietetics to help with health problems, such as eating disorders, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, and many other eating disorders that can alter your system.

FisioClinics Nutrition in Palma de Mallorca offers you alternatives in training and personalized therapeutic interventions to improve your physical condition, carried out by our nutritionists, dietitians, physiotherapists, graduates in physical education and physical trainers, such as functional training, group training, personal training, postural gymnastics among many more methods. All this within an environment of tranquility and security.

  • sala de espera fisioclinics Palma
  • escaleras fisioclinics Palma
  • escaleras fisioclinics Palma

Patologías tratadas en Dietistas y Nutricionistas

Son muchas las patologías y problemáticas para las que desde la sección de Dietistas y Nutricionistas podemos ofrecerte tratamiento ya que nuestro enfoque y planteamiento multidisciplinar y abierto nos permite el abordaje especializado y efectivo de muchas de ellas.

De entre las más comunes destacamos aquí unas cuantas sobre las que te ofrecemos una muestra de la orientación y características de nuestros tratamientos en estas patologías.

Dicen de nosotros...

  • Margalida G.

    Margalida G.

    5 estrellas
    "Mi experiencia en este centro ha sido muy buena y lo recomiendo al 100%. Llegué hace unos meses esperando conseguir ayuda con un dolor de espalda y cervicales que llevaba años arrastrando sin saber cómo mejorar. Gracias a mis sesiones con César, he podido empezar a entender por primera vez el por qué real de mi dolor, y también los pasos a tomar para mejorar. En poco tiempo he notado ya mucha mejoría, por lo que estoy muy contenta. El centro en sí da muy buena impresión y he recibido muy buen trato."
  • Inma Villazón

    Inma Villazón

    5 estrellas
    "Yo voy a FisioClinic con María Alvarez y es increíble. Además de una gran profesional es una gran persona. Con que hables con ella 1 minuto ya se ve que sabe de sobra de lo que habla y, además, te acompaña en todos tus miedos e inquietudes. Para mi, uno de lo mejores descubrimientos de Palma de Mallorca."
  • Paula Hernández Marqués

    Paula Hernández Marqués

    5 estrellas
    "El centro está muy bien equipado, con máquinas y muchas salas distintas. Grandes profesionales, especialmente Cristina!! Se preocupa mucho por sus pacientes y te guía y acompaña en tu proceso de la mejor forma posible!!"

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FisioClinics Palma

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Nuestros valores

  • búsqueda de las causas Palma
    Search for causes

    At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca, by knowing the origin of the condition, a solution can be generated more quickly. Through the previous investigation of the context of your problem with the anamnesis and the evaluative tests, the search for the causes will be carried out. The idea that a treatment is effective and has positive results and is maintained over time requires obtaining the origin of the injury

  • apoyo en lo natural Palma
    Support in the natural

    To achieve the balance that your body needs, we support the treatments in natural methods, which help your body heal itself. Multiple therapies are applied, including natural products, massages, manual techniques, osteopathy, exercise, and nutritional counseling. All realized with the same end goal: the desired balance between body, mind, and spirit.

  • entrega en cada sesión Palma
    Dedication in every session

    Effective treatment consists mainly of patience and good communication between the professional and the patient. That is why at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca you will find the individualized and personalized treatment you want, facilitating a more accelerated and successful recovery, restoring its functions and independence, we focus on teaching and active participation of our patient during the time in which is in treatment.

  • implicación profesional y personal Palma
    Professional and personal involvement

    At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca you will find the commitment between a group of professionals from different disciplines, who will be key to providing you with an effective diagnosis and treatment of any pathology you are currently facing. Our professionals will provide you with a pleasant and polite treatment that motivates you at all times during the rehabilitation process. We always keep ourselves in a constant scientific updates to meet the requirements and needs that you may present.

  • tratamientos cortos y directos Palma
    Short and direct treatments

    We faithfully believe in fast but efficient recovery, and we do our best to integrate patients into their activities of daily living as quickly as possible. At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we want to solve the problems for which you have come to our clinic in a short time.

  • terapias manuales como base Palma
    Manual therapies as a base

    Manual Therapies are the basis of the work of our FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca specialists, since they provide a variety of benefits for those who suffer from a specific injury in which their main character will be the presence of pain. We work with you to alleviate the consequences of injury, stress or illness, as well as, we have a variety of treatments that can help solve your discomfort such as: muscle stretching, functional exercises, dry needling, lymphatic drainage, neurodynamics, INDIBA, among others...