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Indiba Urogynecology - FisioClinics Palma

Indiba Uroginecología. Radiofrecuencia - FisioClinics Palma Mallorca

Indiba Uroginecología. Radiofrecuencia - FisioClinics Palma Mallorca

At FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, we offer the most innovative treatment methods for various conditions, including urogynecological ones. Indiba is an ideal option for this type of pathologies thanks to the fact that it works at the energy points of the body, causing endless benefits in patients who suffer from any pelvic floor pathology, both in the case of men and women.

What kind of problems in Urogynecology are treated with Indiba?

Many causes can trigger an affectation of the pelvic floor, both in men and women. However, women are the most prone to it, due to stages of life such as pregnancy and postpartum where this part of the body is usually affected, resulting in pathologies such as pelvic pain, hemorrhoids, incontinence, etc. For this, FisioClinics Palma Mallorca offers its users an innovative technology called Indiba, which offers numerous benefits in the treatment of these conditions. Among its benefits we can mention:

  • It favors the toning of the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Decreases the symptoms of incontinence.
  • Reduces the risk of hemorrhoids.
  • Improves ejaculation control.
  • Helps in the prevention of prostatitis.

What other techniques do we use at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca?

At FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, we have professionals in the area of urogynecological physiotherapy who have extensive work experience that provides them with endless knowledge in different techniques that complement the Indiba application. Techniques that we contemplate at FisioClinics Palma Mallorca and of which we have full confidence of their effectiveness, such as Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics, specific manual techniques, among others. To achieve results in the shortest possible time and return the patient's confidence and quality of life.


How to make an appointment at FisioClinics Palma?

Para reservar una cita puedes llamar al número 617311285670411744 , enviarnos un WhatsApp al número 617311285 o enviarnos un mensaje a través del formulario de contacto

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Tarjeta regalo FisioClinics
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2 minutes from bus stop (lines: 6 and 8)

3 minutes from Via Cintura

Outdoor and underground Free parking (inside Comercial Center)

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