FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, we always try to offer the most up-to-date and innovative services in the field of physiotherapy, that is why for women going through the menopause process and even for those who have already overcome it, we offer you an ideal option that will improve your quality of life. We are talking about Indiba, a technique that will be of great help to treat the aftermath of this process and that will help improve your quality of life.
What do we understand by menopause?
Menopause is a physiological process or what is the same, natural of the woman's body, which happens when the end of her fertile life occurs. This process occurs approximately around 45-50 years of age. Although this process is natural, it usually generates a series of annoying symptoms that in many cases deteriorates the quality of life of women.
Part of the symptoms that occur in this stage of life for women is the accumulation of fat in areas such as the hips, thighs, and abdomen. In addition to this, they begin to retain much more fluid than usual.
To address these symptoms, at FisioClinics Palma Mallorca, we offer you an innovative technique called Indiba, which offers numerous benefits to women who are going through this stage of their lives.
How does Indiba help in menopause?
Indiba can be used to induce thermal and sub-thermal effects, by configuring short sessions you will obtain fast and spectacular results that appear from the first session with the protocol adapted to solve the inconvenience of Menopause.