preparación pre competición Palma
preparación pre compeetición Palma

Pre - Competition Preparation - Massage - FisioClinics Palma

Preparación Pre-Competición. Masaje Terapéutico - FisioClinics Palma Mallorca

Preparación Pre-Competición. Masaje Terapéutico - FisioClinics Palma Mallorca

Anyone who remains physically active requires prior preparation to attend any activity of greater effort or competition. At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we offer pre-competition sports massages since we care about the well-being of your body and before attending an event or competition it is necessary to prepare your body to perform 100% and also avoid the appearance of any injury.

But what is the Pre-Competition Massage and what are its benefits?

The pre-competition massages that we perform at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca are designed to prepare the body for the effort that it will be subjected to. It is necessary for the body to remain in excellent condition and thus be able to perform optimally. Our specialists apply different techniques, such as: unloading on the muscles involved, stretching, etc. The benefits that these massages provide to the body are:

  • Improves the muscular performance of the person.
  • Reduces actual pain.
  • Helps muscles to recover faster.
  • It generates a supply of fluids and nutrients in the tissue membrane.
  • Avoid the appearance of injuries.
  • Generates tranquility in the person.
  • Among others.

How do we practice the relaxing Pre-Competition Massage at FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca?

At FisioClinics Palma de Mallorca we evaluate the physical condition of the person before the event or competition in order to know what the patient's needs are and achieve better performance. The pre-competition massage will be adapted to the muscles that require it, the physiotherapists of our facilities will take into account the type of activity or sport (running, athletics, playing tennis, baseball, etc.) in order to improve body deficiencies and also related to sports. The pre-competition massages are aimed at the deficiencies analyzed by the physiotherapy specialist, seeking to improve performance during the competition and maintaining the integrity of the participant in excellent condition.


How to make an appointment at FisioClinics Palma?

Para reservar una cita puedes llamar al número 617311285670411744 , enviarnos un WhatsApp al número 617311285 o enviarnos un mensaje a través del formulario de contacto

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Tarjeta regalo FisioClinics
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2 minutes from bus stop (lines: 6 and 8)

3 minutes from Via Cintura

Outdoor and underground Free parking (inside Comercial Center)

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